Request Field and Lab Assistance

For Umeå University researchers visiting Abisko Scientific Research Centre, a variety of resources including equipment, instruments, laboratories, vehicles and interns or experienced field assistants are available. Field assistants are typically available in Abisko between May and September. Their assistance can be requested for up to one week per month (extensions can be requested). If you need a dedicated field assistance for a longer period of time, get in touch and we will explore the options. Field and lab assistance in Abisko is subject to availability and should be booked in advance. Support must be for research in line with our mission.

Use the form below to submit details of your request for assistance. We will be in touch with you to determine how best to meet your needs.

If you are interested in finding a dedicated student intern to help with your project, it is possible. We generally have a pool of students from across Europe interested in participating as an intern through the Erasmus Plus Student Trainee Program. Please make it clear in your application using the form below if this is your intention.

We also have several laboratory facilities, field equipment, and a vehicle available in Abisko, which also require advance booking. Note that the Abisko Scientific Research Station also has laboratory facilities and vehicle. To book lab space or the CIRC bus, you must request access to the Google Calendar booking system (requires Gmail address). Otherwise, we can do it for you. To check availability you can see the view the lab and CIRC bus calendars on our website. Please note, that ANS cars are generally more energy efficient than the CIRC bus. The CIRC bus should be used primarily for groups of people or when hauling large amounts of field equipment.

It is important for you to register your project and book your accommodations at the research station as early as possible each year. This can be done at In your application to visit the station, you can request labs and vehicles needed in addition to booking a room.

Questions? Please contact Karl Heuchel.

Tell us about your needs in the form below.