Field and Lab Work in Abisko

We have a diverse set of resources available for our researchers at the Abisko Scientific Research Station. Before you arrive to do your fieldwork please contact Karl Heuchel to check if we have the necessary equipment or lab space for your needs. In general, items necessary for sampling must be provided by the researcher. We do however often have a supply of unused or reusable items left by previous researchers visiting the station. Please check before you purchase items like pipette tips or other lab disposables. If you have left over items that can be used by other researchers, please consider leaving them in our common use storage room.

You can find more information about the labs, instruments, field equipment, and vehicles at the research station in the ‘Platform’ section of this website.

Risk Assessment and Safety Guidelines

Field and lab work always carries inherent risks. For this reason require all our researchers, students, and interns to read and comply with the following guidelines. These documents are no means exhaustive and requires establishing context for your activities. If you are uncertain about risks, safety or other aspects of your research, teaching or studies, please contact Karl Heuchel and use the downloadable guides available on this page.

Assistance in the field and Lab

Each summer we have pool of interns available to help CIRC researchers with field and lab work in the Abisko region. It is critical that if you would like to use them that you contact Karl Heuchel as early as possible with the following information:

  • approximate dates or week numbers you would like help – in theory there is no limit, it is first come, first serve!

  • how many interns do you need (we have a maximum of four available for all researchers in July and August)

  • what research project will they be working on 

  • a very brief description of the work they will be doing 

  • any special equipment or clothing that they will need to have to be prepared

If you have not planned your field campaign fully, at least notify Karl Heuchel of your basic plan and possible range of dates.

Once an intern assigned to you, you will notified and it is your responsibility to contact them and prepare them a least a week in advance to know what to expect and what they need to prepare. If you have any special gear that is required you are responsible for making the arrangements, not them.

Field and Lab work Calendar (view only)

The calendar below shows both activities (field and labwork) taking place in Abisko and scheduled uses of CIRC field and lab assistants. Putting activities on the calendar allows us all to get an overview of daily activities and possibly create opportunities to share resources. If you do not see a field assistant booked on a particular day, please check with Keith Larson to book them. Note, their absence on the calendar also may reflect days off. However, we will strive to get their days off booked on the calendar as soon as they are known.